Campers on Mission
“Sharing Christ, As We Go”
What Is Iowa Campers On Mission?
What Can Campers on Mission Do For My Church?
Painting, cleaning, organizing, minor drywall repairs, building maintenance items, siding, electrical repairs, plumbing repairs, etc.
We camp on the church property, and fellowship together as we complete your project. We meet together every morning and evening for prayer and strength from the Word of God.
First step is to fill out our request form. One of our members will contact you, and we will discuss the needs at your church or organization. We will then setup a time that works for our members to come and look at the project initially. After that we will take the information to the whole membership and schedule a time to complete the project.
Who We Are
Campers on Mission is a national organization of evangelical Christian campers and RVers
dedicated to sharing their faith and love for Jesus through various mission activities. Nationally our diverse projects range from youth camps and fair outreach to church construction and food pantries.
In Iowa currently we have typically done building maintenance projects, but are open to other ministry opportunities as the Lord provides the people with gifts to serve.
Any believer in Christ, who has a heartfelt desire to serve others and Christ as you Go!
You need to be willing to serve and use the talents God has given you.
All COM members are volunteers and support their own way financially. Typically we camp on the church property where the church would provide the utilities, or in a campground. Some have set up camp in a tent, or inside the church. Some have gotten a hotel to stay in, and others have commuted back and forth to home. There are usually many options for lodging, and we try to have some short term projects so that you can participate for one day.
Iowa Campers on Mission is a ministry of Shiloh Baptist Church in Waterloo Iowa. While open to all evangelical Christians, our roots go back to the Southern Baptist convention. Our beliefs are in line with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and that can be found here:
We have many members who come from many evangelical backgrounds, but we all share the same passion to serve one another in love. No one will try to convert you to become a southern Baptist. Our goal is to Share Christ as we Go.
National Rally
We appreciate your prayers!! God's goodness has been evident, empowering us to bring this project to life. Next up is drywall mid March. If you would like to help support the material purchases for this project please visit ... See MoreSee Less
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That should help with there heating.
It warmed it up nicely
God Bless all of you for braving the Cold 🥶❄️🥶 to do the work on our church.
Prayers for our team as they head out to install insulation tomorrow ... See MoreSee Less
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Prayers are with you as you travel here once again and we thank you ever so much and God's word for all the work and time you have put in on our your little church praise you Amen
IA COM is always on the move. God bless you.
Iowa Campers on Mission is a community of Christians committed to combining their faith with camping experiences while assisting churches and camps with diverse projects. A planning meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 15, to establish the 2025 schedule. If you believe Campers on Mission reflects your values, please contact us for further details. ... See MoreSee Less
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The first step to #iowacom planning scheduling a project is to connect with us. Next we will setup a time and come out and look over the need. If the project is something we feel God to allow us to complete we will then schedule the project. Today we visited Solid Rock Baptist Church in Wapallo to look at some electrical needs. Pray for this church to contiue their mission to reach their community and this project that we may be able to help them with. ... See MoreSee Less
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Centerville Progress update: the van load of material is all set and ready for inspection. Kudos to Rick, Phil & Jim for their elbow grease today. They wrapped things up in record time. ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank all of you for everything you have done for us. I'm sorry I couldn't get done there and see you this time , I'm under the weather ☁️. May God bless you many times over.
At present, this van load may not appear substantial, but by the end of 2024, it will provide essential electrical support to the Centerville project. We invite you to pray for our crew, who will embark on this task on Monday. We are thankful for God's provision from your support, which have allowed us to reach this milestone. If you feel led to support the Centerville project, please visit and navigate to the Give Now page. ... See MoreSee Less
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Thanks to all who came out for our first ever Christmas meal! Thank you Karen, Val and Sarah for your tireless efforts in preparation, decorating and planning. Thanks everyone for your unwavering dedication and hard work this year and most of all we thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His boundless blessings and provisions. Merry Christmas Everyone!!! ... See MoreSee Less
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A great tradition to have if you decide to do it again. Merry Christmas to all of you ‼️
It was great to get together. Thanks for all you’re doing.
Today is Giving Tuesday! If you're inspired to support Iowa Campers on Mission's life-changing work, visit ... See MoreSee Less
Iowa Campers On Mission – Iowa Campers On Mission
Painting, cleaning, organizing, minor drywall repairs, building maintenance items, siding, electrical repairs, plumbing repairs, etc.0 CommentsComment on Facebook