Iowa Campers On Mission

Iowa Campers On Mission Spring Rally 2014 at Community Southern Baptist Church

Community Southern Baptist Church-Waterloo, Iowa — A small but effective group of Iowa Campers on Mission (COM) completed their spring mission project at Community Southern Baptist Church, Waterloo, to the delight of Pastor Ted Keys and his staff.

A special thank you to: the Denny Davis family, the Chuck Ballard Family, Ty Berry, Claude McFerron, Pastor Ted Keys, his staff, and members of Community Baptist.

Community Baptist is growing and desired to expand some rooms to meet present and future requirements. Because of the team’s efforts, the church now has larger rooms to meet those growing needs. The campers also made repairs to the exterior building and did some painting inside and out. According to Pastor Keys, the volunteer ministry of Campers on Mission far exceeded his expectations: “Community Baptist Church is refreshed, refocused, and revived through what God has done through Iowa Campers on Mission.”

Campers on Mission are a dedicated group of volunteers who can minister with your own church. COM is willing to do repairs and upkeep on your building. This ministry can assist many of our churches and help cut expensive building repair cost.

Camper Denny Davis said, “If a church will provide us a place to park our campers for up to five days, a 30 AMP outlet, material, and maybe one meal during the week, we will do the work.”

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