Iowa Campers On Mission (COM) teamed up with Illinois COM to meet the needs of Trinity Baptist Church where Pastor Alan Jahn is serving. Illinois had 15 members present and Iowa had 5. Among the many projects completed was a new sidewalk in front of the church, a deck on the side of their building with steps leading to the new sidewalk in front of the church, replaced the steps entering at the rear of the church, landscaping with rocks and plants in front of the church, walls sheet rocked and mudded in 3 new classrooms in the basement, new electrical work to the new classrooms and hallway, updates to the sound system, new lighting outside, and more.
It was a great time of service to our Lord and of fellowship with other believers who we met for the first time but not the last. Campers on Mission will be serving in Hannibal LaGrange University in Missouri in June.
If you would like information about Iowa Campers on Mission contact Denny or Bev Davis at 515-729-9983 or 515-729-9982