By Bev Davis,
We had a good turn out with ten members present and one person who was a friend of a member. As usual, the food and fellowship were awesome. The entire outside of the church was painted or stained. A new retaining wall was built under the handicap ramp. Several rooms and windows were cleaned. Also, many electrical updates were done. Our next rally will be at Calvary Baptist in Clinton, Iowa on September 9-13. You are welcome to come and join us. Many hands make less work for everyone.
Iowa Campers On Mission is a group of Christians that meet several times a year to grow the Lord’s kingdom by providing no-cost labor to churches and Christian organizations throughout Iowa. Our goal is to enable small churches to prepare their buildings to reach their communities. We paint, clean, put up drywall, replace broken glass, etc. The Lord has blessed each of us with many different talents and gifts to serve our brothers and sisters as He leads. You do not need to be an expert carpenter, just willing to answer His call.
If you would like to know more about serving with Iowa Campers On Mission or having them serve at your church call Denny Davis at 515-729-9983 or email @ bevdavis615@q.com.